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Stock Contribution 

If you wish to give stock gifts to Crossover Global, a trade name of Crossover Communications International, by electronic transfer, please give your broker our account name, account number, and DTC number for our Berry Financial Group account. Crossover Global maintains an account with Berry Financial Group (Address - 5140F Sunset Blvd., Lexington, SC 29072; Toll Free Phone - 800-375-7803) in the name of Crossover Communications International. Our account number is 7566-0083 and the DTC number is 0075. The Tax ID for Crossover Communications International is 58-1758477.  If your broker needs any information from us, please have them contact Kevin Grimes at (803) 691-0688 or email.


In order for us to give you proper credit for your contribution, please notify us of the number of shares and the name of the stock(s) that you are transferring. Our fax number is (803) 691-9355 and email may be sent to The available designations for stock gifts are Crossover General Fund, Church Planting Fund, or a staff account. You will receive a charitable gift receipt acknowledging your non-cash gift along with IRS Form 8283 (Non-cash Charitable Contributions) within a few weeks of our receiving your stock gift.


Please do not hesitate to call if we can be of any assistance to you or if you have any further questions.

Thank you for your Kingdom investment through Crossover Global!
We appreciate your commitment to provide Gospel access to unreached peoples of the world.
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