Strategic Initiatives
It has been several months now that Wang will spends his devotional time with the Bible and the newspaper. He realized this was a great way to intentionally pray for his beloved country and million of unreached peoples. Unfortunately, in the last week the headlines were heartbreaking.
“The government has banned online retailers from selling the Bible, moving in the wake of new rules to control the country’s burgeoning religious scene.”
“The Communist Party released new rules for its 90 million party members tightening religious restrictions.”
Wang cries, prays and hopes! He is excited about visiting a dear friend where a new house church started just a few months ago among two minority peoples. It’s not normal for Wang’s people to reached out to them. But Christ’s love compelled them to go!
Every trip like this one is risky. And considering the headlines on the newspapers, things are not getting better but rather worst. Later that day Wang’s friend called with a terrified news.
“The police is investigating our church! Please canceled your visit for now.”
What a disappointed news! Not only because Wang was so looking forward to fellowship together, but more importantly because these new believers were now under the watch of the local officials.

For the love of Christ controls us, because we
have concluded this: that one has died for all, therefore all have died;
and he died for all, that those who live might no longer live for themselves but for him who for their sake died and was raised.
2 Corinthians 5:14-15
Over 146 million people representing 444 different ethic-linguistic peoples that challenge is overwhelming. You can help us to encourage and empower more church planting like Wang’s friend to start new churches.